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Do Alcohol and BDSM Mix?

Sexy blonde woman with lace eye cover and whip black and white, bdsm

Can you be tipsy and still engage kinkily?

Any kind of BDSM can be dangerous and can put you in a compromising position where serious damage can be done. This can occur mentally, physically, and psychologically. Therefore, safety needs to be your main priority always. Mixing alcohol and play is shunned upon by many BDSM social circles because not only does it loosen your inhibitions, but you lose the ability to control yourself, to sense pain, and you lose awareness of your surroundings. Continue reading Do Alcohol and BDSM Mix?

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Alcohol and Kink

Woman in hat and whip showing no talk, black and white

Can you have a few drinks and still engage in kink? Any kind of BDSM can be dangerous and can put you in a compromising position where serious damage can be done. This can occur mentally, physically, and psychologically.  For this reason, many of us are continually beating the drum of safety.  This is the highest order of business and needs to always be at the top of everyone’s list. Continue reading Alcohol and Kink