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A Guide To Swallowing Semen

woman with cream round her lips

Despite its many health benefits, many people prefer not to swallow. Some blame their gag reflex, some don’t like the taste, and others find the consistency too thick or slimy. Whatever the reason, a few changes will make it easier for you to swallow your partner’s load.

The Benefits of Semen

Semen is not only completely harmless, but some studies indicate that its packed with benefits.

1. Semen is a natural anti-depressant

According to a recent study at the State University of New York in Albany, oral ingestion of semen can lower symptoms of depression and aid sleeping.

2. A multivitamin in each ejaculation

One teaspoon of semen contains over 200 proteins and several helpful vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

3. It’s great during pregnancy

A study by Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands found that women who swallowed had lower rates of miscarriages, pre-eclampsia, and morning sickness during pregnancy.

4. Oral sex can lower your blood pressure

A recent study suggests that swallowing semen on a regular basis can lower your blood pressure.

Changing the Taste

Swallowing isn’t for everyone. Most women struggle with the salty and bitter taste of semen, but small changes could help make it more pleasant.

1. Sperm already contains its own natural sweetener, fructose, so men can enhance the sweetness of their load through eating more fruits with natural sugars to. Consuming less protein, especially meat and dairy, for a few days beforehand can also help reduce the bitterness. Finally, men should drink plenty of water to flush out any toxins, which could be contributing to a salty or bitter taste.

2. Ingesting mint, cinnamon or cough drops immediately before going down on you partner will mask the flavour. The menthol can also create a cool, tingling sensation that will drive him wild. Flavoured lubes will also disguise the taste. There’s plenty of flavours to choose from including, strawberry (€6.88,, raspberry (€9.18,, Pina colada (€11.47,, and mint (€11.47, – so there’s something for everyone! Don’t want to settle for one flavour? There are multi-packs available, like Doc Johnson Good Head Ultimate Blow Job Pack (€18.36, and ID Juicy Lube Pack (€9.18,

3. Keep a drink nearby to help wash it down. A carbonated drink works best as the sugar will quickly rid your mouth of any saltiness. Beverages could also be used to introduce temperature play – a hot mint tea or a coke filled with ice will change the temperature of the mouth and will create added sensations as you go down on him.

Getting Past the Gag Reflex

The most important aspect of learning how to swallow semen is getting your gag reflex under control. Your gag reflex is usually triggered when something touches the back of your throat, roof of your mouth, tonsils or even the back of your tongue causing a spasm-like sensation.

1. Getting your gag reflex under control is a simple case of managing. This takes time and effort, but it’s definitely worth it! Squeezing your thumb helps ease gag reflexes. Encircling your thumb in a fist and squeezing it will distract you mind and ease your throat muscles. Breathing through you nose also helps prevent gag reflex.

2. Some people prefer to practice on other objects first; bananas, carrots, or a sterilised dildo will all do the trick. Just remember to relax, breathe through your nose, and don’t push yourself too much – slow and steady wins the race!

3. Gagging is often the result of overly vigorous thrusting, so communicate your discomfort to your partner and discuss solutions. Working together will make oral sex more enjoyable for both of you. Communication and experimentation are always the keys to greater sexual enjoyment.

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